Image of the Clocktower Pond along the Greenbelt
This weekend I decided to get out on the bike and ride, rain or shine. Off to the Flicks I headed for a little movie action and then tooled on down to my Brother's place in northwest Boise to deliver a note. The weather behaved pretty nicely. As dreary as it had been earlier in the day the rain held off for the ride.
It was a great ride. I took the Greenbelt all the way to Collister, meandering through the neighborhoods until I reached my Brother's place. On the way back home I began making a list in my head of things to note for the next time.
A few things I learned or was reminded of on this trip:
* Messenger bags are better left at home. Yeah, they're cool looking and all and it's easy to get your belongings out of them, but they shift and slide, making it a pain traveling down the road. Next time I am taking my backpack.
* Headlamps rock. I bought one in the morning, knowing I could be riding in the dark. (See picture below.) This lamp is truly the bombDOTcom! It's brighter than any bike mounted light I have ever had. And the lamp is adjustable with eight lighting settings.
* Stock seats suck. Of course this is a no brainer, but after 18 miles in jeans it is painfully apparent. I immediately switched out saddles when I got home.
* Spinning in a class and on a bike are totally different. This is another "seems obvious" point, but it is really true. Not only do you get to see great scenery and feel the wind in your face, but it is a different workout altogether.
* Get your glasses on. When I got home and looked in the mirror I felt like one of those vampires from Twilight. My eyes were solidly blood shot from the ride. Wearing glasses (sunglasses or those with clear lenses) might help cut down on this a bit.
With that, I hope you have had a great weekend. I am off for another adventure, so I better get my cycling shoes on.
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