Sunday, January 3, 2010


Another year begins, actually another decade and we gaze forward, pondering the future. Did you make a resolution or two this year?

Sometimes the idea of resolutions causes an eye roll or two, but they are great way to set up goals, especially if they are challenging ones. They can give us an opportunity to test our limits.

This year I made a couple resolutions myself. (Yeah, I cheated. I picked a couple easy ones. Or are they?) This year I decided to vow to get more sleep. This means I have to go to bed earlier or kick the cat out of the house to obtain a straight eight. This will be a task in itself, but it will be vital to successfully training.

Also, I have sworn off alcohol for a month. Yes, a whole month. That means no wine nights. No socializing with booze. I'm curious to see the difference it makes in my training and hopefully my waistline.

And, of course, Seattle to Portland. (This would be the "testing our limits" goal that we, Debbie and I, share.)

What were your resolutions this year? Where do you see yourself going this year? Where do you see yourself headed in the next ten years?


  1. Hi There!

    Your friend Linzi directed me to your blog. I will be riding the MS150 from Houston to Austin.. it is a 180 mile bike ride. This is my very first bike ride and am really excited. I would love to hear from you with tips and suggestions. Check out my blog as I will be bloging about my training and I will be sure to check yours out and learn from you experience :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Gelareh! I am excited--I think we can trade tips, for sure. I will definitely be tracking your progress on your blog. It looks like you have quite a ride ahead of you, too. :)
