The season of the gym rat (or New Year Lemming) has arrived. I too have headed back to the gym, mostly with treadmill time, putting one foot in front of the other, reminding myself what it is like to sweat again. I even took my bike for a spin, which puts everything in a different, mellower perspective.
I have mapped out the spinning classes, trying to figure out what is going to work best with my schedule. As I see it, I will need to participate in at least three spinning classes a week--to start. I will also need to get some bike time in on the road along with some weight training. The good news is . . . the snow has melted.
I will be joining Martha's 6 a.m. spin class tomorrow, that is if I can drag myself out of bed. She is a great instructor. She's very positive and zen like (she's a yoga instructor so she's good at reminding her spinners to breathe). Can we say stoked?
What is your favorite time to take a spinning class? Are you a morning person or an evening person? Is it more important to get some zZZZZs or to get it out of the way?
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