It's Tuesday. In our lives that means it is The Biggest Loser night on television. It is sacred t.v. watching, not to be missed. The last couple of weeks Debbie and I have gathered over at our friend Brooke's house for dinner and to watch the show. (She cooks healthy food while we cry and clap over the show.)
This week I decided to ride over to Brooke's on the cruiser—she's just a few blocks a way.
Hat? Check. Gloves? Check. Lights? Check. Wine? Check.
As I ride along Gekeler in the safety of the bike lane, gliding through the leaves of Fall who've congregated between the sidewalk and the white line, I remember how great it is to ride a bicycle, how great Autumn is. It is a precious time of year where the cold, crisp stinging air bites at your cheeks and the smell of leaves hit you and then disappear in a second. It is where the haunting street lamp is shrouded by dancing tree branches in the dark.
The last to arrive, I am welcomed by a bevy of canine companions, a glass of wine, and some chit-chat, mostly I notice the air of warm friendship. I don't think one could get a word in edgewise through all our loud chatter. Brooke feeds us and later shares some Boston Baked Beans from the bag with us. Always generous.
As I head home, facing the wind in 36 degree weather, it just reminds me . . . the little things are what make life great, whether it is one last spin on a bike in the fall, sharing a meal and a glass of wine with good friends, or watching someone achieve their dreams that make it worth it. It always boils down to the little things.
So get out there on your two-wheeler, or spend some time with your friends, or just do something that puts a smile on your face and enjoy the day, the season.