Friday, July 23, 2010

Photos for your Friday

It is kind of unbelievable that our journey to the STP is now over. We did it! And we may just do it again!

Really, I think it takes a couple days for the excitement of completing 204+ miles to really hit one. We did THAT on a bike?! We got to see some beautiful country and had the chance to ride in all kinds of different situations.

Here are a few photos from our adventure:

Look for a summary of the event to come, but until then have a great Friday!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A race to the finish.

We did it!

More pictures and info to come.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Three Days Until Lift Off

It has been awhile since I've posted anything newsworthy. For that I apologize. Life has certainly been happening. The good news? We are riding STP this WEEKEND!!! A combination of fear and excitement are swirling in the air.

Are you regretting not signing up for the big bike ride yourself? Never fear, streaming video is here!!

Periodically we will be streaming live from the event. Yes, LIVE! So, if you're interested you can check us out on Ustream here:

Wish us luck—we might just need it it!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Friday Connection

Happy Friday all! We hope you have a safe 4th of July and are able to get out there on your bikes and ride! This week's link is to New Belgium.

If you have never been to New Belgium's website you should go. Not only are the graphics cool, but they have fun stuff like "Clips of Faith Beer and Film Tour."

We're looking forward to this year's Tour de Fat on 08/21/2010 in Anne Morrison Park.

Happy Pedaling!